Grozdana Olujić - English




Writers About Themselves” (“Pisci o sebi”), Belgrade: Mlado pokolenje – Young generation, 1959.


Interviews in periodicals:


“Beauty and humanity” (“Lepota i čovečnost”), conversation of Desanka Maksimović with G. Olujić on literary issues, Omladina, 9 November 1955, 937.

“On intellectual activity, contemporary literature, etc.” (“O intelektualnoj aktivnosti, savremenoj literaturi i dr.”), a conversation between Isidora Sekulić and an associate of the newspaper G. Olujić, Mlada kultura, 13. X 1955, IV, 36.

“Conversation of Bogdan Čiplić with Mrs. Olujić” (“Razgovor Bogdana Čiplića sa G. Olujić”), Omladina, January 11, 1956, 946.

“Conversation of Izet Sarajlić with an associate of the newspaper G. Olujić” (“Razgovor Izeta Sarajlića sa saradnikom lista G. Olujić”), Omladina, 25. I 1956, XII, 948.

“Dušan Kostić’s conversation with Mr. Olujić“ (“Razgovor Dušana Kostića sa G. Olujić”), Omladina, 15. II 1956, XII, 951.

“Conversation of Stevan Raičković with an associate of the newspaper Omladina” (“Razgovor Stevana Raičkovića sa saradnikom lista Omladina”), Omladina, February 8, 1956, XII, 950.

“Why are you scolding the river” (“Zašto grdiš reku”), Mira Alečković’s conversation with Mrs. Olujić, Mlada kultura, February 9, 1956, V, 42-43.

“A New Chance of a Novel: A Conversation with Radomir Konstantinović on Dialogue in a Contemporary Novel” (“Nova šansa romana: razgovor sa Radomirom Konstantinovićem o dijalogu u savremenom romanu”), Mlada kultura, April 11, 1957, VI, 56.

 “The voice of conscience wanders” (“Glast savesti luta”), conversation of Miloš I. Bandić with G. Olujić on literature. Mladost, July 17, 1957, II, 40.

“On the young generation of writers in Slovenia, autobiographical elements in his works, etc.” (“O mladoj generaciji pisaca u Sloveniji, autobiografskim elementima u njegovim delima i dr.”), Ivan Potrč’s conversation with G. Olujić, Mladost, October 30, 1957, II, 55.

“Poet of sorrow and hope” (“Pesnik tuge i nade”), conversation with Vladan Desnica, Mladost, February 12, 1958. III, 70.

“In search of meaning” (“U traganju za smislom”), a conversation between Jovan Vidmar and G. Olujić, Mladost, 5. II 1958, III, 69.

“Duration under the sky of naivety” (“Trajanje pod nebom naivnosti”), conversation of Vlatko Pavletić with G. Olujić, Književne novine, January 10, 1958. IX, 59-60.

“Duration under the Sky of Naivety: Meeting with Vlatko Pavletić” (“Trajanje pod nebom naivnosti: susret sa Vlatkom Pavletićem”). Književne novine, January 10, 1958. IX, 59-60.

“Being and persevering: About the life and work of Isidora Sekulić” (“Biti i istrajati: O životu i radu Isidore Sekulić”), Mladost, 9.4.1958, III, 78.

“Renunciation and work: from a conversation with Isidora Sekulić”, (“Odricanje i rad: iz razgovora sa Isidorom Sekulić”),  Književne novine, 18.4. 1958, IX, 66.

“Vesna Parun about herself”, conversation with Mr. Olujić, Mladost, April 23, 1958, III, 80.

“Conversation of Dušan Matić with Grozdana Olujić” (“Razgovor Dušana Matića sa Grozdanom Olujić“), Mladost, June 25, 1958, 89.”), Mladost, June 25, 1958, 89.

“Conversation of Dušan Matić with Grozdana Olujić” (“Razgovor Dušana Matića sa Grozdanom Olujić“), Mladost, June 25, 1958, 89.”), Mladost, 1.1. 1959, IV, 116.

“Conversation of Dušan Matić with Grozdana Olujić” (“Razgovor Dušana Matića sa Grozdanom Olujić“), Mladost, June 25, 1958, 89.”), Mladost, March 4, 1959, IV, 125.

“Conversation of Dušan Matić with Grozdana Olujić” (“Razgovor Dušana Matića sa Grozdanom Olujić“), Mladost, June 25, 1958, 89.”), Mladost, July 20, 1960, V, 197.

“On the literary activity of Grozdana Olujić” (“O književnoj delatnosti Grozdane Olujić”), conversation with Jozo Puljizević Telegram, October 11, 1963, IV, 181.

“Edwards, Lovet: Works on Modern Life Are Wanted” (“Edwards, Lovet: Traže se dela o savremenom životu”), Interview conducted by Grozdana Olujić, Borba, January 30, 1966, XXXI, 28.

“The Fate of an Indian Woman in the Prose of Amrita Pritam” (“Sudbina indijske žene u prozi Amrite Pritam”), Bagdala, 1969, XI, 120, 14-15. (talk to a list contributor).


Interviews with Grozdana Olujić:


“In the beginning was the word” (“U početku beše reč”) (interviewed by Radmila Gikić), Luča, 26 (2017), 1, 133-136.

“Small walnut shell” (“Mala orahova ljuska”) (interviewed by Zoran Radisavljević), Politika, 100, no. 32392, 11 January 2004, p. B4.

“Love Moves the Mountains” (“Ljubav pomera planine”) (interviewed by Zoran Radisavljević), Poliitika, 99, no. 32046 (January 23, 2003), A15

“The government does not like mirrors” (“Vlast ne voli ogledala”) (interviewed by Ljubinka Miličić), Borba, 72, 203, 17.

“A Trip to a Dream” (“Izlet u san”) (interviewed by Zoran Radosavljević), Politika, 91, 29123, 1994, 18.

“Literature is a story that a person, since he knows about himself, tells himself and others in order to comfort himself, in order to forget about fear” (“Književnost je priča koju čovek, od kada zna za sebe, govori samome sebi i drugima da bi se utešio, da bi zaboravio na strah”) (conversation led by Mileva Čičulić), Attitude, 1977, 3, no. 9, 26-29.

“Books Have Their Destiny” (“Knjige imaju svoju sudbinu”) (interviewed by Zorana Opačić), Letopis Matice srpske, 186 (2010), 485, 5, 925-942.

The Poetics of Tenderness by Mira Sandić – Exhibition “Peace and Sava Sandić”, messages, animalistic sculpture, the exhibition is opened by Grozdana Olujić (Nov. 4).

Milić od Mačve or Serbia found again – manuscript

Milić od Mačve – roots of jave – roots of dream Milić from Macve – manuscript.